Policies and Statements

Responsibility is one of our corporate values. We have established a broad range of policies to guide our work with CSR and sustainability. These policies, pledges and statements affect all of Varner's fashion concepts and brands. 

  1. Supplier Code of Conduct
  2. Varner Internal Code of Conduct
  3. Responsible Sourcing Policy
  4. Modern Slavery Policy
  5. Child Labor Policy
  6. Migrant labor Policy
  7. Homeworker Policy
  8. Animal Welfare policy
  9. Anti-bribery policy
  10. Sandblasting policy
  11. Sustainable Cotton Communiquè
  12. Turkmen Cotton Pledge
  13. Uzbek Cotton Pledge
  14. Restricted Substances List
  15. Varner CanopyStyle_PaperPackagingPolicy
  16. Statement on XUAR
  17. Varner Environmental Policy